How to Crack Syndicate Manipal PO Exam – Tips & Strategy
Hello friendsNearly two week’ time is left for Syndicate Bank PO Exam through PGDBF with Manipal and NITTE University for the year 2016-17. To do well in this exam one should plan his/her steps in this direction. So here we are sharing with you the How to Crack Syndicate Manipal PO Exam – Tips & Strategy.
The final selection for the course would be made on the basis of Written test followed by Interview and / or Group Discussion.

For sure shot selection to the course you must know every fine detail of the exam. The Written test is an online exam of 2 hours duration and a total of 200 questions are asked. The questions will be from 4 different subjects like – Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, and General Awareness. Thus testing the candidate for various roles in the Bank.
The Pattern of the exam is as follows:

Now in order to prepare for these topics and score good. One should always keep in mind some key tools. These are:
1. TIME MANAGEMENT: Proper utilization of the time is the sure shot success mantra. Time management accompanied with Question selection is crucial for success in Syndicate Bank PO exam. You are not bound to solve all questions.
Always try to find out questions which are less time consuming in each section. Make sure that you do not get stuck on any question and avoid spending too much time on a single question.
2. SPEED & ACCURACY: Speed and accuracy are the foremost important factors in this exam. To do well in Quantitative aptitude and Reasoning section focus on speed and accuracy.
For increasing speed, solve easier questions first and mark the tough ones for the left time.
Spending too much time on a single question will tend to reduce your speed, so if you are not able to solve it within 1 minute then move on.
Section Wise Tips
Since there is a minimum cutoff for each section which means that along with the overall cutoff
you have to clear cutoff of each and every section in order to clear
the written test and qualify for the exam.In addition there is also a negative marking of 1/4th of the marks for every wrong answer.Here we are presenting the planning tips for different sections, starting with the less time consuming section i.e. general awareness
This section has 50 questions including questions from Current Affairs and Banking and Economy.For the current affairs try to cover the last 3-4 months news i.e. Appointments, RBI in news, Awards and Honours, Sports ,New Schemes, National and International News, Latest Developments in Science and Technology.
Expected Difficulty Level: Easy
This section requires the least time and can score more marks with accuracy.You can also refer to any current affairs magazine apart from our Daily GK update section and GK digest.
This section has 50 questions. The paper generally include questions on Reading
Comprehension, Cloze test, Sentence improvement, Fill in the blanks,
Sentence correction, Spotting the errors and Sentence rearrangement.In the reading comprehension section there are also questions on synonyms and antonyms which require good vocabulary which you can develop by our Daily Wordlist from Newspaper.
Since this is a bit confusing section, a careful approach is required while attempting question.
Expected Difficulty Level: Moderate
Scoring topics in this section are:1. Fill in the blanks
2. Spotting the error
3. Sentence improvement
4. Sentence correction
This section consist of 50 questions from various topics like puzzles
(seating arrangement, linear seating arrangement, floor based),
syllogism, data sufficiency, statement based questions, Inequality,
Coding – Decoding, Input Output and logical reasoning.If the concepts in this section are clear then one can very easily score good marks with accuracy.
Expected Difficulty Level: Moderate
Scoring topics in Reasoning Sections are –1. Syllogism
2. Inequality
3. Logical reasoning
4. Input Output
5. Data Sufficiency
It has 50 questions from diverse topics like Data Interpretation, Caselet DI, Number Series, Data Sufficiency and Some Miscellaneous questions. The miscellaneous questions have questions from profit and loss, age, average, simple and compound interest, boat and stream, time and work, area.This section requires a lot of practice. And while performing this section one has to be very attentive and present minded. A good practice at this section can make one score good with accuracy.
Expected Difficulty level: Moderate
Scoring topics in this section are:1. Data Interpretation
2. Quadratic Equations
3. Number Series
4. Data Sufficiency
5. Some Miscellaneous questions.
Here I am sharing with you the No of Questions you can perform in the given time.

Overall Expected Difficulty Level is Moderate
Note: During Online Exam always focus on –(i) Read questions well
(ii) Be accurate
(iii) Maintain speed
(iv) Revise if time permits.
All the best for your Exams!
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